The Homeless.

The Homeless.

Together we can make a Change!

If you remember a little over a month ago we did a blanket drive here at Simply Blessed and let me tell you the overwhelming amount of support we received was inspiring. So OC Cleaning LLC and Simply Blessed decided that we were not going to stop at just going out 1 time. The goal is to go out each month to the affected areas of downtown Louisville and even locally to help those who are living on the street. This is why we are posting though….

Like before we cannot do this alone! We have created an Amazon wishlist for products that are going to be most helpful based off what we saw last month.
Materials are not the only needed.. Most importantly we need your prayers for these people. We want to thank this amazing community as well because we were able to provide at least 40 people with blankets, water, and snack bags before the cold weather hit.
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